
Indoor Agriculture

HYDRALED's lighting and climate system utilizes hydronics to provide precision temperature control for both the fixtures and multiple climate systems. The redistribution of waste heat from lighting, HVACD, and power systems minimizes energy consumption by up to 50% over the most advanced approaches in the market today. Most importantly, the HYDRALED system will be the most competitively priced lighting & climate system on the market.

About Us

We are advancing indoor agriculture through patented lighting and climate systems that significantly decrease the cost of equipment, while dramatically improving efficiencies. With our products almost market ready, we are currently seeking partners to launch our endeavor globally.

Our Services

We offer a range of services to support indoor agriculture

laptop computer on glass-top table
laptop computer on glass-top table
Lighting Solutions
Climate Systems

Our innovative lighting solutions are designed to optimize plant growth and minimize energy consumption

Our climate systems create the perfect environment for crops, ensuring optimal growth and yield

Consulting Services
a close up of a plant with a full moon in the background
a close up of a plant with a full moon in the background
brown grains
brown grains

Contact Us

Get in touch with us to learn more about our products and services